meet katelyn

Kay Jay Design Co. was founded by Katelyn Donnelly in 2021. Katelyn specializes in elevation drawings for contractors, designers, and homeowners who are looking for a neat set of plans to take to the job site and work off of, as well as personalized material/texture boards geared toward each client to account for their unique builds and vision. Bringing your project to life means story building with a real life representation of the end result, tweak-able for revisions to bring clients a tangible image of completion.

“I am a designer, but more than that, I am an advocate for turning a house into a home and creating a space that’s built for celebration, for community, and for guests to feel welcome. I want every project I take on to feel unique to the home owner, I’m always going to find space for your trinkets and objects that represent your travels, relationships, and memories. I strive to create an environment where when somebody steps foot in the door they’re welcomed with a hook for their coat, a cubby for their shoes, and a warm cup of tea for their cold hands. ‘Home’ should be a universal understanding of warmth, friendship, and relief. “

-Katelyn Donnelly